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I’m excited to be your guest Phenomenal Friday writer.
This summer I had an excellent opportunity to attend mindfulness training with our PD specialist and I set a goal of sharing some of what I learned in my district. Some of you have attended my gratitude workshop or heard me speak about how important it is to stay focused on all of the positive things in our lives. I firmly believe that mindfulness and gratitude go hand in hand.
I know what you’re thinking....there are so many negative things bombarding our lives everyday, you don’t have time for this mindfulness stuff or you may even be saying, I don’t even have enough time to breath. Well, if these are some of your thoughts, then this is definitely for you! You see you owe it to yourself to take a minutes (or two) for yourself and that’s not being selfish. After all, how can you care for others without taking the time to refuel, recharge and re-calibrate.
Below are six quick ways to start taking care of yourself. I've also included a link to a weekly self-care checklist and a Gratitude journal if you want to take a look.
1. Make a list of the things you like to do that feed your heart, your body, your mind, and your soul. Then start doing them!
2. Get out your calendar and make time for yourself EVERY day. Even five minutes makes a difference.
3. Give up all guilt about taking time for yourself. Taking care of yourself is the best gift you can give your students and your family.
4. Keep a gratitude journal. It helps to remember all of the little things that make you happy.
5. Ask for help when you need it. You don't have to do it all by yourself.
6. Laugh and learn from your mistakes— another great gift to yourself and others.
This weekend please take a moment for yourself to just breath. I am grateful for this opportunity to share with all of you. Have a great weekend and enjoy the shout outs!
"Big Bacon shout out to Kim Berry for organizing our Fall Frolic. It was a great event, our families had fun, and our staff got it done. And a big thank you to Candy Devich for taking care of the food for the event. Also, a huge thanks to all those who helped (too many to list here). Know that your hard work is appreciated, and this would have been impossible without so many of you doing your part."
~ Mike Coyle, Principal
"Thank you to Margaret Keefer for doing Part 2 of the It's All About Respect at LMS presentation. This month's workshop incorporated the activity Tableu and it was received very well by our staff."
"Thank you to Lauren Daigle for her ongoing support with All Things Google. Lauren has assisted with Google Classroom, Google Extensions and Google Drawings."
~Spike Cook, Principal
"Thank you to our Discipline and Attendance Office Secretaries at MSHS Wendy Risley and Bethany Kavanagh! Their team work and dedication helps our office to run smoothly each day!"
~Jaime Sutton and Jason Kessler, Vice Principals
"A BIG Shout out to Annette Cerami and Dina Joy, and all of the CFC staff who attended the evening Fall Fun Night. It was great to have help from the Leaders' Club and The Child Development class students. The event was a huge success. CFC families enjoyed all of the fun and games. It is great to see such a large turnout and the families engaging in all of the activities. Events like this require ALOT of planning and hard work. Our staff ALWAYS is willing to support our families and our school events."
~Joann Burns, Principal
"Thank you Jimmy McCarthy, Robin Carman and Culinary Arts students for preparing another delicious luncheon for the Perkins Advisory Meeting. The Advisory Committee includes many of our local business owners who meet with our CTE teachers and students to find innovative ways to improve and expand our growing programs The meeting was filled with great ideas and collaboration from many of our local businesses. We are excited for the anticipated opening of the pop-up restaurant."
"A huge thank you to Lori Carapelli with her help and support inputting the names of 6th, 7th and 8th grade students into the SRI assessment. Lori was instrumental in “cleaning up” this program, which was an overhaul that was both difficult and time consuming! It’s because of her patience and diligence she was able to make the assessment available to all the students and teachers at Lakeside. Thank you again, Lori!”
~Joanne Colacurcio, Supervisor
"I want to give a big thank you to Gena Pacitto who went above and beyond the call of duty on Tuesday assisting one of our students and their family procure some much needed services available in the community. Her efforts took her beyond the work day and I wanted her to know it did not go unnoticed or unappreciated. Great job!"
"A well-deserved shout out to Gretchen Andrews, Elviro Ocasio, and Frank Breakell for their work with the Silver Run Shark Kart! Our rolling school store has been a huge success in part to the time and attention you have given to the project. Thus far the experience has been a positive one for our students. Thank you!"
~Eric Reissek, Principal
"I would like to commend Jimmy McCarthy and Robin Carman who are pushing our Culinary students at all levels. They are working to increase the rigor and professionalism of our students. Last week, our Advisory Board guests were very impressed with the food and student servers. This week, our staff was impressed with the level of competition among the Culinary 1 students' Cupcake Wars. Jimmy McCarthy has presented many new ideas for this program as he has picked up a fourth block."
"I would like to thank Arlene Sartorio who has been my right hand in preparing so many events. She consistently keeps me on track even on the most distracting days and I am very appreciative of her abilities, kindness, and dedication."
~Kristin McManus, Vice Principal
Dr.Pamela Moore
Asst. Superintendent
Millville Board of Education
110 N. Third St.
Millville, NJ 08332
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