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Class is Dismissed for our retirees |
Hope you are having an outstanding Friday. The weather is absolutely perfect outside so after work make sure you make the most of it…as there are threats of thunderstorms predicted for Saturday and Sunday.
With the countdown well underway, 9 school days remaining (but who’s counting?), the District is buzzing with excitement. Yesterday I had the chance to celebrate our top 10 students (academic) at the Kiwanis Luncheon. You should be very proud of the job this staff does on behalf of our kids. Each student’s list of accomplishments was longer than the one before…truly amazing and well rounded students. For many of you, you personally had a role in shaping who they have become. Thank you on behalf of their families for a job well done. I am confident that our top 10 are a match for any high school top 10 on the planet. From service leadership to scholarly inquiry, our students have it all. They are the cream of the crop and serve as an example for their classmates to follow.
While it is easy to praise and celebrate our top 10 students, what sometimes goes unrecognized by others, but is equally important, is how well we care for all of our students. Whether our students make up the bottom 10 or the top, we love them. We work to provide them with opportunities to grow and improve. Support them as many are enduring difficult personal or home lives. Forgive them, even when others have given up on them. That is what MPS Staff is all about. I am proud to be a Bolt and to work with all of you.
"As this year’s District Health Care Coordinator, I wanted to give a shout out to my Holly Heights family for their undying support of my dual roles (Health Care Coordinator & Holly Heights School Nurse), and a HUGE thank you to the secretarial staff at Holly Heights, Terry Davis, Kristen Davidson, & Lisa Langlois. Ladies, without your help, support, love, and loyalty I would not have made it through this year without you. Your willingness to help and pitch in whenever needed did not go unnoticed. These three ladies have gone above and beyond to help and support me. Ladies, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you do not only for me, but for Holly Heights family as well."
~ Ashley Renshaw Millville Public Schools HealthCare Coordinator & School Nurse Holly Heights
"Shout out and congrats to Carolyn Munzenmayer on her upcoming retirement from 35+ years in education. She is finishing strong, working hard up to end, and remaining dedicated to her students and school until the last day. Thanks for being so awesome - it was a pleasure working with you. Best wishes in retirement!"
~ Mike Coyle, Principal
"Ashleigh Udalovas's first grade class presented a wonderful Grandparent's Day celebration. There was singing, readings, and yummy snacks. Our grandparents felt so loved and appreciated!"
~Arlene Jenkins, Principal
"A big Holly Heights shout out to Mary Beth Owens. Mrs. Owens organized a Lego City Day for her 1st grade students. Students built a variety of Millville landmarks and researched the history of Millville. Parents and community members were treated to a standing room only performance by the students of their research and several songs. The event was a wonderful celebration of what makes Millville special."
~Steve Saul, Principal
"Dave Vorndran, Bobby Barber, Stacey Musey A heartfelt thank you to this stellar team of Administrators who have put in so much time and energy in the Early College Program. This opportunity that we are making available for our students will change the lives of so many. There have been countless hours spent on curriculum, staffing and presentations with the college to get this ready for next year. I am so excited to make this dream for our students a reality."
"A huge shout out to Christy Chisholm and the Color Me Healthy Team for organizing and holding a wonderful event for our student. This event is something the students look forward to and teaches so many valuable lessons of teamwork, kindness and perseverance. You guys and gals rock!"
~Stephanie DeRose, Principal
"Mrs. Booz conducted her final performance at Lakeside Middle School at our Spring Choir Concert. She was accompanied by current and former students as they sang The Irish Blessing by Joyce Eilers. She will be retiring at the end of the year and will be truly missed!"
~Spike Cook, Principal and Henry Hartman, Supervisor
"Leigh Ann Upshaw, Audrey Muller, Jackie Eppright, Lauren Hauk, Melissa Smith This "team" of CST met this past week and helped design a plan to help serve all of our students with disabilities grades 6-12 at Lakeside, Thunderbolt Academy, and Memorial High School. I commend them for helping put the plan together, working as a team, and always having the best interests of students at heart when working in our schools."
~Steve Matusz, Exec. Director Special Services
"A BIG shout out to our three secretaries at CFC. We just completed our registration dates for next school year. Mrs. Beatty organizes and schedules all appointments and meets individually with each parent. While she is running registration, Mrs. Parker and Mrs. Russo keep our school running efficiently. Our secretaries work with all of the normal workload for our 600 children at CFC as well as our community providers. They also work with all of the attendance, phone calls, and payments for our wrap around program which runs twelve months of the year."
~JoAnn Burns, Principal
"This shout-out goes to Chris Finney and Vicky Charlesworth. Their preparation for the recent District retiree board celebration was absolutely extraordinary! Every detail was considered from the food to the decorations. I know how lost I would be without Vicky keeping me on track and I am certain Dr. Moore feels the same for Chris. Although my son was being awarded a distinguished student achievement award by the board of education in our home school district and I was unable to attend this year…I have heard from countless attendees about how special a night it was. Thank you to Donna Meyers for filling in for me. And a giant shout-out & KUDOS to Chris and Vicky."
~David Gentile, Superintendent
Have a great weekend everyone,
Dr. G.
Dr. David N. Gentile
Superintendent of Schools
“Lead Learner”
@drgentile_mps (Twitter)
#MPSWC (MPS World Class)
Published by Spike Cook, Millville, NJ
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