Greetings and salutations,
Graduation officially came and went marking the close of 2017-2018 School Year. For me, it marked the conclusion of 8 wonderful school years in the Millville Public Schools as superintendent. I feel very fortunate to have served this community during that time. Thank you for sharing your talents, knowledge, and expertise with our students!
I want to wish all of our 10 month staff a happy summer as well as for us 12 month’ers. Summer hopefully is a time for family, friends, and to get to all of those projects or ideas that got shoved to a corner of your desk.
Lastly, a summary of last night’s graduation for those who couldn’t attend or tune in. The weather cooperated fully as overcast skies gave way to a bright sunny sky and warm temperatures. Very warm temperatures especially for those in the visitor section or on the field. The crowd was large as has become the expectation. The Class of 2018 was the appropriate blend of excitement, nerves, happiness and a sprinkle of sadness.
The Board President, Kimberly Carty, delivered the opening remarks and set the tone for a respectful celebration. The student speakers absolutely crushed their time at the podium. Truly impressive. Just prior to the distribution of diplomas it was my turn to speak.
What happened next was definitely the highlight of the evening. Before you say “wow that is an awfully confident- perhaps even egotistical” let me share my reasoning. In an attempt to provide some insightful advice for our students about how “success” is very personal and only each individual can define what it means for them to be “successful”. I instead delivered a tongue-tied bumbled bit of advice something like “the key to sssssex is”.
After graduation ceremony concluded, I called home to say I would be home shortly. My wife of course said how did it go. I shared my slip up with her. After she finished hiding her laughter she said “well at least everyone will remember what you said”. The glass is always half full if you are willing to look at the bright-side and if you are able to laugh at yourself.
Best wishes for a great summer and until September when we all gather again for a new start, be well. (If you have already gone to the beach or fishing. If you already left your work email behind and you find yourself reading this for the first time in September 2018, I hope you had a nice summer).
"A BIG Shout OUT to Olga Caez for her many years with the Child Family center students and families. She is always ready to lend a hand with helping to translate. She has worked in our Wrap Around program and been instrumental in planning fun events for the children in her after school class. Joan Sharpless has been instrumental in planning classroom activities with her teacher. She loves the cold weather and brings that joy to the three year olds in her classroom. Frank Bucci always puts a smile on people's face and has a heart of GOLD May they all enjoy their RETIREMENT but remember they always have a home at CFC!"
"A HUGE shout out to the BEST staff in Millville Public Schools. From cleaning to cooking to teaching and nurturing YOU are ALL the most MAGICAL staff!! I spent all morning listening to so many parents commend each and every one of you for all that you have done for their children and families. It is from the deepest part of my heart that I am thankful for the hard work you do each and every minute of every single day!!!!"
~JoAnn Burns, Principal
"Thank you, Maris Lynn for all you have done this year for Special Services, World Languages, RtI, Bilingual and ELs! You've brought positivity, creativity and major change to our EL procedures and the high school transition process with DVRS. Thank you for a job well done. I will miss working side by side with you. Wishing you much success as you explore future endeavors!"
~Debra Sukinik, Supervisor
"On behalf of all of the staff at Lakeside Middle School, I would like to thank Susanne Flickinger, Susan Corson, Bernie Cirocco, Shari Booz, Irene Dandrea, Paula Cain, and Traci Gandy for their dedicated service to the students and community of Millville. We will truly miss them and we wish them well on their retirement."
~Spike Cook, Principal
"A big thank you to Dr. Robinson for his involvement with the Millville Police Athletic League. He has volunteered for numerous activities with our organization. He has also allowed us to use Rieck Avenue School for our activities. Dr. Robinson understands the importance of having students involved in positive after school activities. Thank you for all you do!"
~Harry Drew, Principal
"A big shout out to the Silver Run Family who have given their time, energy, and effort to create a safe learning environment for our students. We have achieved many successes across this year that would not have been possible without the commitment and unwavering dedication of some truly remarkable people. Thank you for all that you do! ENJOY your SUMMER!!"
~Eric Reissek, Principal
"A big shout out to our Holly Heights staff for all of their hard work and dedication during the 2017-2018 school year. Thank you for everything that you do for the children of Millville. Best wishes for a relaxing summer."
~Steve Saul, Principal
"Gerald Bruman, Shawn Jenkins, and Stacey Musey are leaving today to chaperone and coach our Robotics team in the National Championships that start on Sunday. They are sacrificing their time to support a group of kids that have worked tirelessly this past year to build, test, modify, compete, modify again, ...(it's a huge loop) their robot to be competitive on a national level. Thank you for your dedication and good luck this weekend. We're all already proud of what you've done (but a trophy would be nice!)"
~Bobby Barber, Supervisor
"Class of 2018 - It has been an go make those dreams a reality!"
~Steve Matusz, Exec. Director Special Services
"Bacon Staff: Thank you, thank you, thank you. Now, go enjoy yourselves. And before you know it, you'll once again hear my bright, cheery voice in the morning calling out, "GOOD MORNING, BACON BEEEAARRRSSSS!!" But seriously, enjoy the well-earned, well-deserved break. Stay golden. And to quote that song from the Karate Kid, "You're the best around."
~Mike Coyle, Principal
Have a great summer!
Dr. G.
Published by Spike Cook, Millville, NJ