Lakeside's King Tut CSI Crew |
Wishing all of you a happy Spring 2018 as it is officially the end of Winter. Although Mother Nature does not yet seem to realize it. Do I dare say, this should be the final snowfall for us this School Year?!? There I said it, it is not allowed to snow again.
Yesterday in the wake of the winter snow blast, many area homes and businesses were without power. I am happy that we were able to get fully restored as of yesterday 3pm. The last of the snow appears to have melted perhaps we can turn the page and fully embrace the warmer weather of Spring and look forward to completing another amazing school year.
"A much-deserved shout-out to ALL the members of the District Equity and Diversity Team who have worked so hard in their schools and at the district level to raise awareness of issues related to race and ethnicity, poverty, special education and gender bias, to highlight disparities in discipline and placements and to offer ideas and strategies for teachers and administrators to consider in the quest to bring equity to Millville's academic and extra-curricular programs. I have so appreciated the opportunity to work with you!"
~Nora Zielinski, Executive Director Special Services
"Stacey Musey has made my transition so much easier this year. (I'm pretty sure that was her main goal.) She stepped into a department chair position that absorbed an entire department because of cuts, works in three buildings, and is a first time administrator. Because of her tireless work ethic, attention to detail, and extremely high standards, I have been able to focus my attention away from the high schools. She has my complete trust and the district is a better place with her working here."
~Bobby Barber, Supervisor
"The team of Kristi Cranmer, Heather Dian, Joy Gorgas, Terri Russo, and Deb Zavorski had an outstanding meeting the other day. During their meeting they began to lay the foundation for a Professional Learning Community. The meeting was an open and honest discussion, where each person had a voice. They were able to outline the details critical to its success. It was great seeing the team apply the knowledge from our last professional development day."
~Eric Reissek, Principal
"Our Social Studies Department transformed the Auditorium Hallway into a museum so that the LMS students could experience the King Tut CSI project! Thanks to Cody Hand, Tim Garrison, Robbie Williams, and Amy Gehringer for coordinating."
"Thank you to Barb Kern, Tom Fien, and Darlene Bassetti for assisting with the coordination of the Millville Youth Empowerment Summit. They attended multiple meetings throughout January - March in the evening and on the day of the event on March 17. Thank you for everything!"
~Spike Cook, Principal
"Thanks to all of our district's art teachers for their outstanding exhibit for Youth Art Month at the Riverfront Renaissance Center for the Arts."
~Henry Hartman, Supervisor
"Thank you to all of the custodians, maintenance and grounds staff who came in several times this winter to shovel and plow snow. There were some miserable days this winter. On some snow days everyone was shoveling snow with temperatures in the teens and 25 mile per hour winds to get school opened the next day. The district couldn’t operate without you. Thank you."
~Ryan Cruzan, District Facilities Manager
"Since joining the Bacon staff, Stacey Gant has made an immediate positive impact. She goes above and beyond to ensure her lessons are engaging and fun for the students, and she works well with her 4th grade partner to plan lessons and actives for their students. She’s a wonderful addition to the Bacon family, and if that weren’t enough, she’s a new mom. Stacey, though I’m sure it wasn’t easy to come back, we welcome you upon your return from maternity leave. Your students are lucky to have a teacher like you, and we’re glad you’re here!"
~Mike Coyle, Principal
"Dan Caregnato has done a wonderful job in transitioning from state trooper to classroom teacher. He provides our students with real world experience, and his wisdom and knowledge go beyond the classroom walls. Dan is always eager to learn and implement instructional strategies, from using Google Classroom to attending after school workshops. The high school is lucky to have such a valuable staff member."
~JoAnne Colacurcio, Supervisor
"Congratulations on a job well done goes out to Elizabeth Morgan, Advanced Eighth Grade English. Liz's class just completed a community service project. Collectively, the class spent 140 hours making our community a better place to live. Here are some things the class accomplished: A student collected 1,103 diapers and 1,646 wipes for families in need, another student made twenty care packages for children in or going into foster care, eight students joined forces to clean-up the nature conservatory, while others cleaned the community and removed litter. These are just a few of the projects completed. Great job class!"
~Maggie Colina, Supervisor
"Joanne Mills is our Autism Inclusion teacher at Silver Run. She has a big task of working with all of the inclusion paraprofessionals and teachers that her keep our students successful in the general education classes. Ms. Mills created social skills objectives aligned to current Student Learning Standards, 21st Century Life and Career Standards, and the Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Competencies and Sub-Competencies. The social skills progress by grade level and these skills are then enhanced in the more formalized LEGO “therapy” program which includes specific job titles and duties that foster effective planning, communication, and team problem solving. Ms. Mills goes above and beyond with parent outreach! You do so much for our program!"
~Debby Sukinik, Supervisor
"Mrs. Dondero, Mrs. Mascara and Mrs. Oliver's classes have been doing an investigative study on Music. The interest areas in their classrooms have been transformed into various musical discovery activities. They also invited parents to come in and perform for the children. An "old fashioned " sing a long by a former district music teacher was incorporated into a lesson and they Skyped with Mr. DeSantis and his band class to showcase the different instruments and the sounds they produce as well as how those sounds are made. What a great way to include the community, parental involvement and retired educators as part of the learning at CFC."
~JoAnn Burns, Principal
"Terry Davis is the glue that keeps Holly Heights together. She goes above and beyond for everyone and does so many things to keep our building running smoothly. Her professionalism when dealing with high stress situations is appreciated. She wears so many hats on a daily basis and does so without complaining or seeking recognition. She is always willing to listen and help anyone in need. Thanks Terry!"
~Steve Saul, Principal
"Christine Olinda and Julia Araujo are teachers in two of our self-contained special education classrooms. Last year they went for training in a Wilson Reading program for older students. It's been great to see this multi-sensory reading approach in action with our students. They collaborate as they plan lessons for their classes and our students are benefiting from it!"
~Brian Robinson, Principal
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Warm (like Spring Weather Warm) Regards,
Dr. G.
Dr. David N. Gentile
Superintendent of Schools
“Lead Learner”
@drgentile_mps (Twitter)
#MPSWC (MPS World Class)
Published by Spike Cook, Millville, NJ